O my Queen, Let This Fire Be!

Farhan Shaikh
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2016

Heavy winds of fire break my bones,
O my Queen, let this fire be!
Let it into my heart burning for you forever.
But let it not burn me down to ashes in vain

We will walk on oceans,
Swim through the skies.
Travel through the wild;
Get lost on plain roads.

Let's plunge, run or just run away
Let's win at this game together
Let's fight and defeat, kill, reborn
Let's love.

Heard tales of princes and princesses
Lived through nightmares of the demons so wild
Fell for the beauty of angels on the lucid water
But worst vice - us mortal humans so vile.

We love and lose, we fight and die.
We cry rivers, our silly broken hearts
Tell me, my Queen, do you feel sad?
I do, for our love, my Queen.

Talking through the night
Until the sun kissed your face
But not me, my lips ached
My fingers twitching, crying to hold yours.

No, you are not on a pedestal
I see your flaws behind those brown eyes
I know of the terrors that haunt you at night, love.
Amid that darkness, I see you clearly, my light.

If I were to give you a gift today,
It won't be a crown or a key to the castle
It won't be promises of endless love,
Keys rust, castles are overtaken, promises forgotten.

I shall gift you
A hundred years of solitude, that you yearn.
And wait, for you to come back
To start again where we left off.



Farhan Shaikh
Poets Unlimited

Mumbai based journalist. I write poetry and fiction on Medium; facts for the newspaper.