Oh, Syria!

Of Men and Greed and Destruction

M. Edward Alexander
Poets Unlimited
1 min readJun 24, 2017


Their scars…
So Deep!
And go back
So Far,
It is hard for most people
To understand;
And yet —
Foreigners shine eyes
That see
With No Understanding.

Foreign rule
And foreign power
And foreign greed
Pretend to know better,
Men —
Pretend to know better.

It is because
And will TAKE
And will POUNCE on the weak
Pounce on the struggling
Under cover of Chaos
Under cover of Righteous Valor;
Men pretend to Bring Order
Men pretend to Know Better.

Oh Syria! Oh Syria!

For those who know
No Better
Know this:
There is No Syria!
There is No Syria!

It is all a Sham.

It is all made up —
Its Name made up
Its Land and Borders made up
And bound by foreign rule
By foreign men.

And all the while
The people struggle
To be Free...

There is No Syria!
There is No Syria!

The people…
They are not Syria.

There is only Life,
There are only People,
There is only the World,
And ALL the world
Is Syria.

Inspired by Zaron Burnett III’s essay and related comments.



M. Edward Alexander
Poets Unlimited

Explorer of the human condition. Supporter of the arts, science & technology. Guided by empathy. #Poetry