On Visiting Autumn

Ronald C. Flores-Gunkle
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2016


Eternal Summer©2016 Ronald C. Flores-Gunkle

Autumn, nature’s culmination,
The relentless greens of summer gone,
An end-of-season fireworks finale.

Orange, yellow and red,
The town I visit,
A psychedelic crazy quilt.

A dazzling display that delights:
Vibrant, shimmering beauty,
An impressionist painting awakened.

A dazzling display that depresses:
Are these leaves not dying?
Won’t color soon be sucked from them?

Won’t they be shed,
brown discards
moulded into earth?

Blue, green, and white
The town I live in,
A warm womb of wonder.

I have lived a long and verdant summer
Where the color of the flowers in the trees
Mark the months and years.

Is there a steadfast season?
Can I escape the fall to winter?
If the seasons do not change, do I?



Ronald C. Flores-Gunkle
Poets Unlimited

An aged humanist hanging on to the idea that there is hope for humankind against most current indications.