One of Life’s Defining Seductions

Cristina Archer
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2019
red flower symbolism

The chemistry between us was explosive.

Rumors were rife that we were sleeping together long before it actually happened. And when it finally did, it’s unexpectedness seemed sudden and brutal.

We’d had a difficult and long day at work. As part of a close-knit team we worked hard and played hard afterwards.

It was a Friday night like any other. On our way to a night club on the south side of town he asked if we could stop at his place so he could change into his party gear. He suggested a cup of coffee while I waited for him.

His seduction trap had been set.

Didn’t even see it coming. Didn’t really need much persuading.

One moment I was searching for a cup. The next, he was leading me up the stairs to his bedroom. No words spoken.

His spontaneity drew me in. I can never say no when I am so drawn.

I can still remember how good he felt. Inside my mouth; filling me entirely.
I could hardly breathe. With each throbbing spasm shooting down my throat and through me. He tasted deliciously sticky salty sweet.

It’s true a person tastes so much better when their scent is intoxicating.

We never made it to the nightclub. Didn’t get much sleep either.

One of life’s great defining moments. An elegant seduction that begged the question — what is great sex?

It’s about just letting go. Abandoning yourself to a suite of sensations.

Just being.

Of course it continued. For a while. At happy hours. He would quietly shuffle me into a dark corner and whisper to me how sensational we were together and his flattery worked its charm. He’d be leading me out for another exhausting session.

It was so intense that the guilt consumed us both in the end.

My only regret?

Letting the guilt spoil something so defining.

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Cristina Archer
Poets Unlimited

political whipping girl, writer (speculative fiction/poetry/life), aspiring photographer, wig collector, with Méchant Publishing and Rowanvale Books