Only Human

Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2017

We each make our mistakes
Who are you or I to judge
Another by their actions
“Well, just because…?”

Excuses are like assholes
Nobody’s a perfect saint
Why not try to see their good
Instead of when they ain’t?

Who’ll step into the shoes
Of the lonely passerby?
Who’d care to find their heart
Beneath the silent sigh?

The struggle of the fool
Stranger to a world forgone
Who’d drop their phone to talk
Offer a shoulder to lean upon?

Each here is only human
Neither a god nor angel be
We each make our mistakes
Oh, why won’t people see?



Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.