
Tokyo Kenopsia
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 18, 2016

I dreamed of you this morning

as the sun filtered through the red curtain

heavy with words and tears and embraces

you were strolling through my brain, naked

piercing through the folds in my grey matter

your eyes laden with stories

boring through the membranes of my cells

one by one

your breasts exposed, naked

big and full and heavy with sadness

with silver nipples

from which flow the rapids of love

the blood of pain

the screams of ecstasy

visions of light from other worlds

and our two solitudes intertwined

your thighs, burning and voracious

steamy and sweet

your skin, a palimpsest for the future

rough as the dust of all the roads in the world

and me, writing on it

with all the inks within me

