“Passive Navigation”

KD Lit Yogi
Poets Unlimited
1 min readJun 28, 2016


You, me, he, she, we…

All of us- Compliant Citizens,

Breathing in the same air and fumes.

Navigating tirelessly

Amongst our elected dread and doom.

Who are we to take notice and care?

Who are we to feel ill and stare

Upon the same existence

That will haunt us through the end?

Dare we watch?

And portray the audience

(So critical to the show, but yet)

So common, so bleak, so there-

Just there.

We ogle the stage,

Fantasize their role, their side,

But most of us do nothing,

Instead we lie aside,




KD Lit Yogi
Poets Unlimited

Lit. teaching mama, thoughtful yogi, observing poet, embracing our world… dekoskie@gmail.com