Piece By Piece

Dadhi Phoenix Poudel
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2019
Source: Pixabay.com

They are so lonely
Ya, you know that
It’s true
You gave them your time away
Piece by piece
Yup, through and through

They want your company
You’d let them have it
For they are the loner
You fill their hopes
You make them rise up
Losing self
Piece by piece

Your dreams are astray
For you gave your dreams away
For them to be
To make themselves
From the scratch
Piece by piece

You have given away your time
You have given away your zeal
Being a loner
Empty vessel
With no feels
Crumbling inside
No one to blame
Just falling apart
Piece by piece
Day In
Day Out
You Repeat



Dadhi Phoenix Poudel
Poets Unlimited

A person trying to learn ways of life. Learning by traveling, two wheel lover and playing with random words that comes to senses out of the blue.