
Linda Feliciano
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 2, 2018

A child of Neptune.

A Piscean.

Her emotions run deep,

deep as the ocean.

From the bottomless sea

as a mermaid she rises,

to bathe in the sun;

in the moonlight she dances.

Frolicking freely

yet bound to the sea;

the stars in the sky

so far from her reach.

To crave, the land…

to crave the air…

to crave the fire…

that glows in her hair.

To understand the power

that lives within;

the knowledge, the wisdom,

the strength therein.

From dust to dust;

From ashes to ashes.

From the depth of her heart

through the waves she crashes.

At last her heart opens

and understanding sinks in.

Diving into her emotions

is her gift to her kin.

A kaleidoscopic explosion

in a moment of reckoning.

Her home, the deep sea…


