Portrait of a Lady

Ramya “Vinca” T
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2018

Toiling for years- day in and day out
To be strong for her once little ones
To keep his memory burning within
Like an eternal flame

But, I can see her tired eyes wonder
“Is this all worth it? Is there a point to this?”
She tries to projects faith,
troubled by the unvoiced doubts

Yet she has an unwavering devotion
to what has been taught-
She’d rather not push that away
in the pursuit of silly doubts.

Is it fear that keeps her going?
Fear of the unknown, fear of doing wrong
Fear of forgetting, fear of ‘what ifs’
Fear of ‘what would they say?’

She binds herself to a duty-
to forever remember the dark times
never free to move on and live on

And she plods- Onwards and Backwards
The brave lady
The plucky lady
The strong lady

— — https://ponderpit.wordpress.com/ — —

Pixabay CC0 Creative Commons

