
D Misquitta
Poets Unlimited


I raged at the world
Wanting it to fit in my hand
But the flighty rebel that it is
It slipped away like sand

I raged at the world
Wanting to be one of ‘them’
But they all stood and laughed at me
Asked why, you’re not the same !

I raged at the world
Wanting some food for my hunger
But they stood away from me and my sickness
To help me, didnt they need to be stronger?

I raged at the world
I wanted to turn their gun to a plough
But they pointed their fingers at me
Arent you fighting with us right now?

I raged at the world
I wanted their fighting to stop
But they wanted money, power, fame
So they spilled blood, every last drop

I raged at the world
Until everything and everyone was dead
What do I get with the rage, the hue and cry
Shouldn’t I first stop the raging within instead?



D Misquitta
Poets Unlimited

I’m just me. A traveller. And I write, at times.