Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2017



Take care, the world is bleeding
when it should not hurt and ache.
There are vulturous few that conquer
<and divide>
and when in power they are truly incompetent;
their leadership, empathy, compassion is impotent.

They are not as hoped but only selfish
wished into office with a process that’s a mess,
lies that were once treated with reciprocal punishment
now have daily apologists, i.e. you trashy bourgeoisie,
and now it has become daily acceptable nonsense.

We scream, strive, and act for justice
but only to be blocked by charlatan’s bureaucracy.
Look at Catalan, fascistically blocked from a democractic process
under the guise of legalities, legalities making it impossible
to follow the will of a group.
We are the so-called self-governing democracies,
such a clever disguise to pull the wool over our eyes
to cover the thieves on thrones: plutocrats, kleptocrats, fascists and bigots.

So we have tried to be calm in our process
but if you further flex the police state
do not expect us to be complacent —
just expect us.


“The revolution is awesome, everything else is cheese (curd)” — credit



Poets Unlimited

Barely holding my sanity together with peanut butter. Willing to contribute poetry to SciFi / Fantasy works (draegohnkihn@gmail.com). heathenthink.blogspot.de