
Debbie Aruta-Watkins
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2017

His tongue lunged across my chest struggling to linger on lust,
His hands grasping, groveling, and growling to hold more of me.
His ears straining to hear my moans, my movement, and any love I whisper,
His legs straddling me, struggling to control me, saying what he could not speak.

My hands thrusting his off of me, begging someone higher up to take me out of this hell,
My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth in fear; fear that no one would hear my screams.
My legs trying to kick him; in the shins, in the groin, in the gut, but I lay limp under his weight,
My ears hearing; Don’t you want it?, Don’t you love me?, Don’t you need this?

Screams inside my mind, Screams inside his.
This isn’t right, this is so right,
I want this to end; I want this to go on forever,
Two hearts beating, two minds racing wildly.

His lips on my ear whispering “Don’t you love me?”
My lips trying to bite his face.
Clawing him in my mind, my arms pinned down,
It is a struggle I do not win; I dial 911.

This is just a poem, but if you need help, please call the hotline.

See: rape crisis information | 24 hour hotline: 410–857–7322

