Reflective Thoughts…

Diem Jones
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2018
Photo: Ben Broady

Sitting and watching/Watching and sitting the up is beside the down/Stroking up the buttercups/Buttering up the hand-cupped eyes so/Oh say we can still see/Light comes before dawn…


Dawn comes before light/See still can we say/Oh so eyes cupped-hands, and buttered up the cups/Stroking…/Down beside what’s up/Sitting and watching/Watching and sitting…

The stork waits to visit…Are you home?



Diem Jones
Poets Unlimited

Diem Jones is a poet, musician, multi-media artist, and arts administrator. He is also co-founder and past of E.D. VONA/Voices (VONA) and Murray Gove.