
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2017
Skye and Kai — Captured by Colette

Flexible little rubber suctions
on greedy tentacles,
arranging and wrapping themselves
around their beloved host,
morphing, bending, flexing
to align themselves
to an imaginary symbiosis.
Sucking on teats of empty breasts,
feeding off toxic wants and needs,
that remain forever unfulfilled.
Limp, exhausted,
drained, emaciated,
they fall upon loneliness
to find the host plump
with their love

*The dangers of needing to be needed. You need only see your true worth.



Poets Unlimited

I'm not a marshmallow kind of person. I'm more a hard toffee kinda girl. More intense flavour but not everyone has the teeth for me.