Rose Crystal Petals

Christine Ren
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 1, 2018
(Composite image created by Christine Ren;

Rose crystal petals
that fall from the heavens
meet giants in whisper
hush hushing
hush shushing

Ungraspable wisps
leap open air thrills
a transformative circus
all trouble and chills

Patterns of laughter
hang in a glance
a million breaths
breathing form
forming storm

Landscape of life
pure swirl
turn turning
dusts reverence
in silence
sweep sweeping

A world garbed in white
of crystalline cloth
time timing
to catch
time time
to remind that
beauty falls or beauty flies
only in the beholder’s eye

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Christine Ren
Poets Unlimited

Pirouetted from dance and ocean science careers into film. Serial entrepreneur with a writing obsession.