Self-Portrait in Glass and Living Colour

Aide Ojigbede
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2017

Perfectly square limpid fantasy movie lake
makes a window on my bathroom wall with rounded
corners where whitely floating constellations of
toothpaste spray frozen, right-handed onto glass.

Appearing in a pink sky of wall tiles
my umber sun head-dome rises above
ridges and plains of eyebrow and cheek
and the peak of my chin scrubbed with black grass

frosted with the grey of harmattan dust.
When I am gone this clearly perfect square
shows those other perfect squares, always there
permanently, virulently, Pepto-Bismol



Aide Ojigbede
Poets Unlimited

Reading. Writing. Fake Pessimist. Afrofuturist Transhuman.