Serrated Thoughts

Taylor Z. Smith
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2019
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

Nothing about my life is bad except everything I hate about it

Sometimes that is all of it
Sometimes that is none of it

In my humble and self-aggrandizing experience
living through developmental trauma means
intimacy issues grow exponentially with every broken promise
and trust is a house of cards waiting to fall apart at the slightest nudge

Isolation becomes a companion in its own right eventually

To be honest
I am not sure if I will ever trust someone fully
I rarely trust myself

Never feeling safe with people takes a toll
and the price you pay is your own well-being

None of this will stop me from trying to trust people
None of this will stop me from trying to heal
None of this will stop me from moving forward

Going nowhere in life is worse than killing yourself
and though eternal sleep sounds nice
I’ve got shit to do



Taylor Z. Smith
Poets Unlimited

A recovering writer sharing rainbows and shadows from the iris of my soul.