‘Service’ in their language!

Prem Sakhi
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2017

They call it service, but money in there!

They call it service, but words not fair.

They call it service, but honesty at rest,

They call it service, poor’s patience test.

Are they innocent, are they ignorant,

Are they learned illiterates,

Service so confusing to them for why,

“The Last, Least and Lost” still cry.

Have summits and meets,

News and stories,

Only to argue, debate and fight,

Ending in war, blood and life.

Service goes with selflessness,

Honesty, Loyalty, tenderness,

Value is not, money for this,

Rather, nothing to take is all it speaks.



Prem Sakhi
Poets Unlimited

Aspiring children's author and global content creator, focused on Sustainability, Biodiversity, and Nature. Inspiring young minds to love and protect our planet