Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017

You can almost see it coming
Often, you can feel it
It is evident in the pleading eyes
The withered skin and the unkempt hair
The bare feet; the yellow, crooked teeth
And the atypical stomach

You can almost see it coming
Often, you can sense it
It is apparent in the body odour
The dirty clothing and the empty plate outstretched
The dry lips; the bonny, lanky body
And the desolate look

You can almost see it coming
Often, you can visualize it
It is obvious in the small hut
The thatched roof and the meager utensils
The empty rhombus; the stinking, stagnant drainage
And the bare surroundings

You can almost see it coming
Often, you can suspect it
It is noticeable in the accusing look
The heavy load on the head and the sweltering skin
The sunken cheeks; the cracked, chipped nails
And the hopeless stance

You can almost see it coming
Often, you can imagine it
It is visible in the illiteracy
The bareness of rural life and the general decadence
The backbreaking implements; the small scale subsistence farming
And the futile struggle

I can see it coming
Very visible, crystal clear
It is palpable, nearly ubiquitous
I can’t help but notice it
I see it all the time
Surely, so do you.…

