Sitting Rock

Nan Kené Arthur
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2017
Photo by Nan Kené Arthur

I searched each day, the weeks, the months,
To find that place of solitude.

A rock just for sitting, a shelter from the world,
A comfort zone to ease my mood.

I looked to the mountains,
I looked in the hills,
I searched the heavens, and still,
I couldn’t fulfill
The need to be alone.

Finally one morning, it came so clear
As a hawk and his mate sailed the skies,
That the sacred place I so heartily sought
Was right before my eyes.

My Sitting Rock,
My private place, was part of my own kindred soul.

It’s my memories, my dreams, my loves and desires,
It’s life and nature I know.
It’s that feeling of gratitude,
That swoon of desire,
That tingling feeling of bliss.

It’s the lovers,
The earth,
The Gods,
And desires,
And the mind and the soul is where it exists.



Nan Kené Arthur
Poets Unlimited

Certified, professional dog trainer and behavior expert. Author of Chill Out Fido! How to Calm your Dog, phototropher, poet, wife and mom.