
Don Winiecki
Poets Unlimited


Socks never pick a fight.
Socks are always between one thing and another.
Socks are good at keeping secrets.

Socks and sandals are best friends.
Socks prefer hardwood floors.
Socks would rather stay in and watch old episodes of Seinfeld.

Socks never have to shave before work.
Socks can hold their breath for a very long time.
Socks are good at maths.

Socks dream of cozy winter evenings by the fireplace.
Nobody ever dreams of socks.
Socks are very pragmatic.

Socks have an active following on the dark web.
Socks have no political affiliation.
Socks make the man.

Socrates never wore the same pair of socks twice.
Socks are afraid of heights.
Socks are the biggest investors in pedicure equipment.

Socks have a fetish for leather.
Socks will sleep with anyone.
Socks would rather eat raw.

Young socks dream of running away with the circus.
My brother was a sock-model in college.
Nothing that must be done without socks is worth doing at all.

Socks have accompanied every momentous event in Western History.
Take care of your socks and your socks will take care of you.
The White House has never had a pair of socks.

Socks would rather drive a car with a manual transmission.
Socks take their chances at the bowling alley.
Socks have their best conversations at Asian restaurants.



Don Winiecki
Poets Unlimited

Sociologist(ish), technologist(ish), artist(ish), poet(ish) of the inbetween, the spaces-left-free, the not-yet-defined that continually emerges in modernity