Stormy State Of Mind

A poem for those dark nights

A Wondering Wanderer
Poets Unlimited
1 min readJul 30, 2017


Image Credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters

Storm clouds gather.
Some with silver linings.
Some with darker tidings.

Flash of lightning,
Sprawling across the sky.
Straggling ideas that stupefy.

Thunder at night,
Reverberating in the clouds.
Echoes of faded memories too loud.

Clouds of lead.
Draw close to the cliff’s edge.
To dump out what’s been dredged.

And rain they do.
Drop-by-drop, at first.
Then, in fits and bursts.

The rain pours n’ lashes.
Entire worlds, it could sink.
From eyes that do not blink.

But winds never stop.
Clouds drain away, move on.
Get up! Keep trudging along.

The sky changes colors.
Beings return to their flock.
Time resumes on the stopped clock.

The scent of wet soil,
On a breezy night stroll,
Reawakens the soul.

N’ when you see the moon,
Peek through and shine,
You know, everything will be fine.

Originally published at on July 30, 2017.



A Wondering Wanderer
Poets Unlimited

A curious soul, trying to figure out this beautiful universe, and his place in it. Human. Philosopher. Poet. Software Developer by day.