The Blue dress

Wandering Soul
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 2, 2017

(Courtesy : A secret Admirer)

He glanced at her reflection bouncing off the glass wall
A fleeting glimpse of blue that held him in enthrall
They say that true beauty always comes from within
But tonight her blue dress could turn a priest to sin

The fragrant notes of her perfume wafted like opium
For that one brief moment he felt the whole world was so very premium
Just then he saw that the whole world had paused
A medley of emotions and the rush it had caused

He walked towards her expectantly, but she looked askance
Wary as she was of a man’s glance
The charms of the blue dress she was well aware
Whenever she had worn it men laid their heart bare

The journey to this second seemed to have lasted for years
The trials and tribulations that had been worse than all fears
Up until that moment it had always seemed an impossible moment
And so he walked right by and penned this sonnet


