Michael Bae
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2015



The Composer

The poet knows
of the music
a composer

He knows of Waltzes,
Etudes, Ballades,

Canons, and Sonatas.

He is not foreign to
Musical Expressions,
which He uses
with mastery
and brilliance.

He knows how to
create Crescendos,
ever daring, to call upon
the tides of the oceans,
the howls of winter winds.

He knows how to compose
the sweetest of melodies,
but He is regretful —ever so regretful—
To know of moonlight;
To know of Grave.

For a poet, too, knows
of grief,
of joy,
of love.

Seeks, to do His duty,
trying His utter best —
to make music —
for His most privileged guests.

