The death of a star

Rodrigo Ferreira
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2018

I cry everyone’s tears
I fill the ocean
I overflow

I smile with everyone’s joy
I embrace the world
I touch the sky

My joy and my sorrow
Don’t fit in my heart
No, it’s too small!

My tears won’t water the soil
They’ll cause a flood
My smile won’t bring the sunrise
It will make it a supernova

Or, am I a drop of water,
A grain of dust,
The blink of an eye?
Smiles and tears won’t matter
Once I’m gone
A massive black hole
Filled with nothing



Rodrigo Ferreira
Poets Unlimited

A man of numbers, a man of words. A man of science, a man of faith. A writer, a poet.