The demonic painting

Praveen Prabhakar
Poets Unlimited
Published in
Dec 28, 2017

“I” asked her why would she paint a demon?
She would just look at it and fumble:

“He is the one here to possess,
You are under his control,
You are no more to yourself,
You are the demon,
The demon is you,
Do you realize you are long dead,
Its started to rot and melt,
Few more brush strokes,
And this demon will crucify your identity.”

“I” was her inner self…



Poets Unlimited
Poets Unlimited

Published in Poets Unlimited

Six Years of poetry-only content, mostly published daily, but no longer operating. PoetsUnlimited was diverse, engaging and authentic poetry magazine. It was diverse and original, and always free-to-read by all. The poetry remains available for reader access.

Praveen Prabhakar
Praveen Prabhakar

Written by Praveen Prabhakar

got to "Live" before I leave, got to “Write” before the twilight, got to "Trek" before the journey of a lifeless speck!