The Furies And The Muses

John Horan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readApr 21, 2019


The Furies scream at me

All day and all night

The muses pick up the vibrations

And turn them into sweet melodies

Maybe one day we’ll wake

From this dream of life

And be back in heaven

The one true reality

And laugh at our sorrows

And listen to the melodies

We made of them?

And it will all seem worthwhile

And it’ll make sense at last

And we’ll all say

Wasn’t that a crazy dream?

It all seemed so serious at the time

Why couldn’t we remember

Life is just a breeze?

And live lightly

Like Jesus walking on water

Like a flake of snow

Beautiful, unique

Destined to disappear

But recognized by all

Refracting the ray.

Like my poems? Check out my novel A Vagrant At The House Of Love.



John Horan
Poets Unlimited

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much.