The Gift of the Goddess

Elia Tenebrae
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 19, 2017

I always wonder if the Goddess draws near

or hides behind the slumber we fail to catch

Corruption stains the seas and ruins the winds

while abhorrence traps our lives from beauty

She sees what has been originated for what it is

and praises those who seek Her through destruction

Tales of the otherworld speak of an encounter

whose majesty can suffocate men’s needs

And even though you speak of barren promises

and longing tomorrows I wait for with trepidation

After the dew has quenched all the land around me

on a day that smells like love and tears

I will stand with flawed intentions at world’s end

and hope that the Goddess grants me a single wish

To struck my heart with Her feathered arrow

and give me strength to lead your soul to a tender place.

Inspired by Loveless Epic — Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII



Elia Tenebrae
Poets Unlimited

Poetry and short stories writer. Just a wanderer in this enchanted Universe, where writing and music prevent me from consuming.