The Girl Inside

Rebecca Saraceno
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2018
Photo by Luis Tosta on Unsplash

It’s time to reach out and play
A small smile cracks
Can I find you today my child
She’s there, standing in the corner

Slightly unkempt
I gently brush her hair away from her eyes
Arms outstretched for the warmth
The security of a powerful clasp

This little voice has become so muffled
Suffocated over the years
But she’s there still
A tiny fragment of the rest

We surge through life
Yearning and craving but rarely stopping
Come, let me tend to that scrape
My tiny child, I can soothe you

You are mine
I am yours
Your voice is just as sweet as ever
Your spirit just as precious.



Rebecca Saraceno
Poets Unlimited

Editor, Writer, Seeker. Believes unequivocally in the value of connection, the power of words and animals as sentient beings.