The Maze

Snigdha Kulshreshtha
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2016

I am a prisoner in the maze of life
running from one room to another,
searching for the door that will lead to my freedom,
but the maze is huge, and the walls are covered with mirrors
all I can see everywhere is me- the prisoner.

Which one is the real me, I can no tell no longer!
the reality has become blurred,
it has all become an illusion.
I open a door and run again
but what’s the use-
this is again a mirror room like the earlier.
I keep on running from one room to another
but the maze is huge and the walls have mirrors.

I guess it has become my fate
to keep on running,
from one room to another,
from one illusion to another,
maybe the road to freedom is also an illusion
maybe the maze never ends its all in a circle,
and this maze, the only reality
and my quest to know beyond the illusion, my only identity.



Snigdha Kulshreshtha
Poets Unlimited

Researcher by mind, explorer by nature, and a artist at heart.