The Night Belongs (sonnet)

Christine Salkin Davis
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2019
Photo Credit Christine Salkin Davis

Cool winds caress my arms; the sun lowers
toward the horizon and a hazy mauve
rises from the winter brush. Bird sowers
scatter seed, for squirrels, a feeding trove.

Flutt’ring wings and running deer and dark’ning
sky, the eve’ is close, calm, flying bug lands
as I write and thanks for sun, spring coming,
slowly now, I know, yet, I understand.

I sense there’s more a chill to be before
the thaw, the sun a hint to cheer my heart,
remind me of the good, courageous, sure
to come, after winter has done her part.

The orange ball’s beneath the trees now, songs
of birds are heading home. The night belongs.

© Christine Salkin Davis, 2019

Originally published at



Christine Salkin Davis
Poets Unlimited

I write a blog called "Focail do a Chara," a compilation of arts-based, poetic, and narrative thoughts on living and dying, caring and being.