The poem I wrote after I saw Moonlight

Tara-Nicholle Nelson
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2017

My son

My sons

My mother’s sons

I read somewhere that every human on earth is either pre-traumatic or post

So when I see you, small, so perfect

Your rolled fondant chocolate skin rolled over your low-faded skulls

Skin literal perfection, pre-scars

Spirit literal perfection, pre-scars

In-God’s-image-level perfection

You have no idea how perfect you are, how limitless

I do

But I can only see the pre

Before the Big Ones get you

Before the wounds of their wounds get you

Before the generational curses grab at you

Before the lies get you

Before the domestication of you begins

Before the cracks start

Before they start trying to crack you up

To prison industrial complex you up

And once you’re all good and traumatized

All I can see is the post

In the trouble you stir

All I can see are the fresh scars

The older scars

The generational scars

Because I know a secret

That scars are cracks

That cracks are, indeed, how the light gets in

And how it gets out, too

How mighty men of God are formed

Out of clay, yes, but fired, and the cracks healed up with gilt

Knowing this, when I look at your cracked up, scarred up, prison pipelined spirits

I cannot not see the pre again

So, I fantasize that I’ll take my Silicon Dollars

And build a new world for you

Like Elon trying to make Mars habitable, our escape route from AI gone mad

But my island is not an escape from Intelligence

It’s an insane asylum

An asylum for you, from the insane

In this asylum

Every person you pass touches you, anointing you with a little dose of light

Every person who speaks to you passes on a few pure words

Every bite you eat is pure food, pure nutrition

And every morsel of purity peels back an onion skin layer of trauma

Unwinds a little layer of pain

Unravels a little layer of lies

Returns you a tiny onion skin layer closer to your pure self

To your pure, rolled fondant chocolate little self

But with cracks, with light

Purely you. Pure light, but now wise: pure, wise light.



Tara-Nicholle Nelson
Poets Unlimited CEO. School of Spiritual Strategy Founder. Business Coach + Spiritual Strategist to High-Achieving Women. Author: The Transformational Consumer.