The pressure of life

T Ashok
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2018

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The pressure of life
pressed on my heart
sapping my body.

I wanted to curse,
it crushed my words,
a heartful moment.

I wanted to vent,
it cooled my anger,
a quiet calm.

I wanted to cry,
it froze my tears,
an inward reflection.

I wanted to shout,
it emptied my throat,
a profound silence.

I wanted to run,
it numbed my legs,
a deliberate stillness.

I wanted to speak-up,
it distracted my friends,
an enforced introspection.

I wanted to gorge,
it stifled my hunger,
an alertful sharpness.

Now I was:
heartful & quiet
silent & still
reflexive & introspective
and absolutely sharp.

Calm descended,
the body still &
eyes radiant,
the heart light &
soul still.

I watched myself,
peacefully seeing
the problem dissolving
into the consciousness.

The pressure of life
pressed on my heart
melted into my body
and shone my soul.

Om Shanthi Om.
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T Ashok
Poets Unlimited

Software Test Professional. Endurance Cyclist.Ultra Runner. Wordsmith. “Do what you love, Love what you do”.