Personal photo. Playa La Boca at sunset. Trinidad, Cuba.

the sea

Loryn Lyn Simonsen
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2017


i’ve lived many lives
in the depths of my heart
vast as the ocean
contained in a grain of sand

time passes in revolution
a wave
sweeping me out to sea
for moments
then at once
crashing and fierce

always i return
home to my heart
ready to begin again
new, but not
older, but not weary
wiser, perhaps

again i drift out to sea
carried by the waves
my life undulating
expanding, contracting, swirling
until the day
i return no more

and the sea
the sea alone remains



Loryn Lyn Simonsen
Poets Unlimited

artist • writer • designer • curiosity-driven • joy-seeker • amateur traveler • magic believer • yoga student |