The Seeker

M. Edward Alexander
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 9, 2018

Will I spend my life
Searching for answers?

Among the stars,
A clue;
And in a touch,
A word we have no word for;
And in a tear
That heals and inflicts wounds
All at once,
There lies more questions.

Why this?
Why that?
Why us?

A broken key
To one locked door
Among many

A crumpled piece
Of a puzzle that spans
The entire universe

And in a heartbeat,
A glimpse
A glimmer
A drop of knowledge
In a vast sea of Mystery;
Then in an instant
It flickers away,
Out of reach once more.

And yet,
I will walk the earth
… Searching
… … Yearning
For an answer
That will never come.

Because I know…

There are
No Answers.

I’ve been away. This is for all my fellow Seekers. Always thinking of you…



M. Edward Alexander
Poets Unlimited

Explorer of the human condition. Supporter of the arts, science & technology. Guided by empathy. #Poetry