The Serpent Of Forgotten Sins

John Horan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2017


The serpent of forgotten sins

creeps up my neck

in the dark of night


‘Remember when…’

I climb further up the Tree of Life

‘I left that behind 20 years ago’

I cry.

But the serpent

Always has a way

Of catching up to you.

It’s tied around my tailbone

It’s whispering again

‘Wouldn’t it be fun?…’

‘No, not really.’

‘I just want to

Sit under this tree

Till time stops

And I enter eternity

Or enlightenment

Whichever comes first

You can have my guilt, Serpent,

I’m supping deep

On Innocence.’

Like my poems? Check out my novel A Vagrant At The House Of Love.



John Horan
Poets Unlimited

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much.