The Shadows

Sriteja Reddy Wudaru
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2016


of Depression

I get scared when the sun sets behind the mountains
It looks as if they’re burning in a bright red glow
Slowly they turn from a glaze to the dark lands far away
As the darkness sweeps across the world, I know.

That I can no longer walk on the streets at night
Without feeling the million eyes on me
Every turn I take, they follow
Every move I make, they imitate, you see.

I look at the people passing by
Smiling, laughing, as if enjoying life
But I curl up in my bed as soon as I reach my home
Afraid of the shadows everywhere so rife.

I am the rain, of the tears of the clouds
I know neither how to stay, nor how to leave
I am the darkness that I crawl into
I am myself the shadows I fear every eve.



Sriteja Reddy Wudaru
Poets Unlimited

Researcher. Author. Novelist. Poet. Storyteller. Poetry collection, ‘Unspoken Words’, out now. Check out my Medium profile for details.