The Sorcerer’s Fair

Samz Ota
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 24, 2017
By Gphoto — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

When serpents raise the dove’s nest
And armies march on the drums of what is right
Freedom lynching freedom,
Justice murdering justice
No child left unarmed,
No soul left unharmed

‘Tis when the sorcerer blinds the masses
And turns the stones to mountains…
He held a spectacular fair
And called us in as one
To steal our hearts and minds
He cast his wicked spell,
And lured us in as one

We walked meandering lines
Dispersed to seek our joys
We each seek to bloom,
In a garden all alone

For glimpse of joys we sell a thousand words
Like Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity
And the sorcerer is never more happy to oblige
He dooms the words he takes
To the darkened pit of Ambiguity

‘Tis then, Justice becomes Injustice,
And Freedom lynches Freedom
‘Tis then, no child left unarmed,
And no soul left unharmed

