The teller of triviality

Incontinent Misanthorp
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2018

I birthed you to tell unique stories

to be a standout

alas you live an unremarkable life

trying to mingle with the hushed crowd

purely your design

you said that your story was not unique

because there are millions identical to yours

you did not narrate your story

because it is akin to millions that have been heard before

you did not remember your story

because there are millions faded ones like yours

what if a pigeon chose not to fly because other pigeons do so

what is a tigress cared not for her cubs because other tigers do too

what if the river did not meander but every river does

what if the heart did not pine because pining goes hand-in-hand with the beat

what if the samurai did not commit harakiri because he is not the pioneer

triviality is not an excuse for obscurity, but an opportunity to celebrate

go and celebrate your trivial story

and the universe will celebrate back

