The theory of you

James Hanna-Magill
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2017

The theory of you

Is written in my heart.

There are not even few

Who won me from the start.

I saw you first one day

Amongst a febrile crowd.

Respect I did you pay.

In front of you I bowed.

I took you to a place

Where no-one was around

And looked you in the face

Where beauty does abound.

Together we found joy

And gained a happy state

That nothing can alloy

Decided so by fate.

So many years have passed

Since we a bargain made.

No more a lot to cast

Or promises that fade.

Forever we stay true

Each other holding fast,

However times are blue

Enduring to the last.

Now come with me my dear

To futures always new.

Not once I’ll need to fear

The theory of you.

© 2017 James Hanna-Magill

