The Vicious Circle

Bhushan Jagia
Poets Unlimited
1 min readOct 31, 2015


A Poem.

The rising sun lighted the empty lane;
There on the lonely road, she came.
Like a lovely red rose bud, she was;
She was alone, she was the boss.
The dusky road was with fragrance filled;
The air of annihilation was for ever killed.
On the now livelier road, He arrived;
Eyeing the lady in red, He jived.
She always knew He would come;
Finally they met and the winds went mum.
The meeting led to the coitus sacred;
But this was the end and the good faded.
He sucked her life and He went away.
The road is again a loner till day.



Bhushan Jagia
Poets Unlimited

Laziest guy in town except while making stories out of words. Ohh and a management student as well!