The Whisper Of The Tides

Ji Ahn
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2016
photo credit: <a href=”">Big waves over San José</a> via <a href=”">photopin</a> <a href=”">(license)</a>

Tides Whisper a Forlorn

Of The Lives Lost,

Of the Lives celebrated,

Hindering your freedom, now and then.

Unknown are the secrets below that vast compass.

Lives and Species so immersed,

Never be unveiled, those dangerous secrets.

For the Tides choose to hide it from you,

As they are love them;

As they are respect their secrets;

As they are embrace;

Beneath those rushy tides,

Above those blue paradigm,

Lies a Kingdom, so flourished;

Rides the Tides, the ocean God.

Coral reef, his Crown.

Worshipped He, by the tides ashore

Let the secrets be,

It demands its distance

Into the abyss, curiosity suffers,

Love the Tide, as they are.

Tides Whisper the essence Of Life.



Ji Ahn
Poets Unlimited

An aspiring author with spurging ideas that can take me to places.