Edward Hopper “Automat” 1927

“There is no coffee”

KD Lit Yogi
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2019


  • Part One

Lights, camera, coffee-
A set,
Staging life behind the veil,
a consciousness uncovered
for a moment,
Underneath the light
in front of the lens,
Suspended there.
Stillness amongst the motion-
Glimpsing the pause
Glimpsing the pause,
connected to the present,
to the pieces:
a Breath
a Blink
Maybe two:
Breath, Blink
Breath, Blink
Before times catches up again
and the veil is removed;
And you are there,
There you are
with the light
with the lens
with the coffee.

  • Part Two

Breath, blink
Breath, blink
under a tan hat
and a green coat
with one brown glove
Examining the details
the stitches
the fabrics
the feels
Who wears this uniform?
Who covers their
arms and hands,
head and body
with these objects?
Is it me?
How lovely;
How silly;
How me.



KD Lit Yogi
Poets Unlimited

Lit. teaching mama, thoughtful yogi, observing poet, embracing our world… dekoskie@gmail.com