Things I never know

Anant Pillai
Poets Unlimited
1 min readApr 27, 2017


There are so many things I don’t know
and I hope I never do.

the burning wrath that flows
when you lose your crop
only a farmer knows.

that bullet should’ve been yours
which is in your comrade now
how death has changed its course.

that home you lived in happily
destroyed by a 10 inch bomb
now entombed with your family.

that mothers screeching wail
as she buries her children
for their final sail

a morsel you had yesterday
a meal a month ago
only a feast of misery lay

the lands are scorched and still
throats are parched too
but driest is your will

of all things this most true
so many things I’ve never known
and I hope I never do!

