Thrown out of other people’s parties

Jamesh D
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2017

We ran through forests
Playing at being the army
And damned streams
Cycled and learned to drive

Developing attitudes and postures that are probably no longer helpful
Cut down trees and threw TVs off cliffs
Burned down toilet blocks, broke garden fences
And called it all art

Formed bands and died our hair
Threw up in piles of unwashed dishes
In other people’s kitchens
Stole other people’s records
Got thrown out of other people’s parties
And made people laugh

But now, how did we become men?
Now the other characters in this story are fathers
And this meaningless cycle can run again



Jamesh D
Poets Unlimited

For the anonymous publishing of my poetry and other creative writing. Please give me feedback, I’m trying to improve.