Time Capsule for 2116

John Horan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2016


If you’re reading this

I hope the world is not in ruins.

If it is, I’m sorry, we tried to stop it.

We were many, they were few.

But they had the money

and their hands on the levers.

Wetiko had eaten them up,

the parasite that always

wanted more.

Their money shouts loudest.

We are many they are few.

They hold us in fear,

Chains of debt.

Terror of shadows.

We are many they are few.

We lack vision.

No one can see what comes next,

No one knows what to do,

We are many, they are few.

You know what happened

I pray it worked out.

The many found their vision

and overthrew the few’s shout.



John Horan
Poets Unlimited

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much. https://linktr.ee/johnhoranpoetry