To Remake The Clothes Dryer
(With Apologies to Tobin Sprout)

Zachary Houle
Poets Unlimited


To remake the clothes dryer
Yes, we must define spin cycle desire
Washing full to not detect an unbalanced
Load that we could not admire

Dash a cup full of Javex
Measure it along the detergent Tide
To restore the khakis to this
And take a goddamn day to dry them

A question to the tailor girl:
Does your pants seem like tights?
Do your socks go together?

Gotta mend, needle
She takes the thread
She ends the laughter of dry cleaners
Takes fabric softener in her hand and goes

To remake the clothes dryer
Yes, we must define spin cycle desire



Zachary Houle
Poets Unlimited

Book critic by night, technical writer by day. Follow me on Twitter @zachary_houle.