To Word Mobile 10, on the writer’s first use after an update

Aide Ojigbede
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2016
Word Mobile — Microsoft Corporation

18 June 2016

Here listed are some
of the things that I muse
on this most recent occasion
of my very first use

(Yes, I know that it’s late
to pen a review
but I never before
had a desire to)

Your intro screen tells me
“What’s New”, if I missed it
I’m still in the dark
because I just skipped it

Asking me to rate you
before I have used you
is presumptuous, at best
and just dumb at it’s worst

This part should be a reaction
to your very next screen
but I’m still quite sore
at the screen just before

It was simply extortion
that you based on my need
for one of your functions —
pure data point greed

Okay, so I’m here now
and I really would like
a keyboard open already —
you didn’t think I would type?

I tapped “New Document”
so it’s safe to assume
that I want to write words
not stare at the moon

Yes, I know that this app
is primarily to view
files created elsewhere
and not necessarily for new

Since you hung out the sign
you should know what to do
“New Document”, it said
so please, humour me too

Now thoroughly annoyed
by the fact that I am
using you to type this
instead of what I had planned

A minor confession
part five’s partly untrue
because I switched to OneNote
to write this to you

Yes, I do prefer OneNote
alas, sad but true
I had a specific reason
for coming to you

A reason I had
and then nearly lost
I just had to type this
short note to you first

It’s lucky for me
and arguably you
that I finally got round
to what I wanted to do

(By the way, it worked
Sweet damn! Who knew?
Confirmation bias
really rocks when it’s true)

I’m done, time to exit
so you let me know
you save changes as I go
so I don’t have to do so

From what I am seeing
you’re quite proud of that feature
must be almost like being
a great text editor

I’m so happy for you
and happier even
that OneNote has had that
since two thousand seven



Aide Ojigbede
Poets Unlimited

Reading. Writing. Fake Pessimist. Afrofuturist Transhuman.