Thomas Kadavil Abraham
Poets Unlimited
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2016

Getting into the cab for a drop to the railway station, gets in,

breathes a sigh of relief, leaving home to an exotic place,

breathes in that freedom,exhales awesomeness,

Looks at the self, no belongings, only a bag of clothes and a camera,

Value creation, a thought, the difficulties, a reality, envisioning a life of vagabonding,

The lights, red all along, from angry faces to straight faced dope heads,

A calm face chauffeuring me around town to my destination, the railway station,

Traffic lights, horns, the buzz,

Everyone wants to get around town, big fancy cars,

Honking, racing, engines growling,

Like a time bomb, racing against time to get to the place of commute,

Missing a train cause of traffic, quite the worst thing,

A sudden spurt of imagination, this tension could be recorded,

The calmness on the face, still on, as time runs by,

Sitting at the edge of the seat, observes the innate merciless behavior nestled in our human minds,

The destination arrives, five minutes to the dot,

The buzzing train station, commotion, the order of the day,

Anxiety, curiosity, anticipation to be united with them, travel buddies,

A moment of self assurance, I see a hand along at a distance, runs,

A hug, can't wait to start this journey,

An escape from the never ending mundane cycle,

Rest of the crew joins in, an exchange of smiles,

Hustle into the train, settling in,

Getting accustomed, familiarising faces,

Faces going to keep us company for the night,

An elderly couple on the right, smiling at our exasperation,us sharing our experiences,

On the left, two grumpy minions, oggling at our Lady Amigo,

Getting deeper into our introduction,

We get comfortable within our heads, laughing out loud,

People start staring at us, angry faces, silencing us,

Climbing into our berths, sorting out the luggage,

Covering ourselves with blankets of air, blown at us by the engine's chopper fans,

The morning rings in with the sun yawning into our coach,

Green pastures, green everywhere,

The grandma on the right, has a curious look, doesn't like me very much,

I parch down from my berth, trying to find my sandals, excuse me she says,

Sit down, she'd pass,

As time chugged along in the chugging machine,

We witnessed a lot of scenic views, around us and in our minds,

We delved into our experiences of travel, life, relationships,

Unlocking a plethora of perspectives into the otherwise unknown,

How would I know of the sand on a virgin beach? How it felt?

How would I know about the stars, lighting up the sky like precious jewels, is that a reality?

How would I know about a broken heart, it's longing,terrible still, broken heart of a dear friend,

How would I know of that friend in waiting, always been here, never a friend,

How would I trust people I've never trusted before,

How would I show a new world to these guys, my world,

How would I know of their worlds, worlds that would mould me into a new being,

The trek has just begun, exploring around, within our minds,

Just when I started to think about perspectives, three stories started treading along,

Behind us, catching on, catching up,treading along,

Following our trail, into oblivion,

A big rock, facing the sea, resting on a cliff,

On the right, a lost face, looking around,

For a path, lost in the excitement of climbing,

A wave, a hi!

Animated gestures, the path is just beneath you,

Come around, take a walk, go round the rock, look around the rock,

Into a small stream, fresh water, climb up,

Pretty steep, climb up, here take my hand,

Uniting our stories, our space in the time continuum,

In a snap, with a smile, positive energy,

Strangers become friends, stories for the future,

Aligning to tell a common story, a brief moment in time,

Losing our way in strange lands,

Asking around, thirst and hunger, bogging us down,

Approaching a village, no food,

We spot a hotel, we decide to eat,

Until otherwise, the cook, a semi naked old man,muscles galore, surely a player from the yesteryear,

The cashier, a droopy, fat, old man,

We decide to drown our minds in some fizz, a sugar high,

Walk a little further, our ride to the other side of town,

Munching groundnuts, hopping into our commute,

Burning belly, encapsulating experiences,

A rustic bus with rustic people, getting comfortable, beautiful strangers,

Trust, hard to come by with familiar faces, always a hidden secret,

Pouring it all out to a stranger, bonding over travel,

Been a while since I freely smiled,

Travel bares you, your soul, your smile,

A smile, your ability to make friends,

Discovering the smile within, a beautiful place to be,

To realize, the number of worlds there are,

The number of stories to witness, an eternity of learnings,

To be lost in the wormhole of stories, to be transported into a new life,

To being a new person with every new perspective, every new conversation,

To explore the inter webs of the mind,

Picking out interesting tit bits,

Exchanging delicacies, explaining Jenga, extending courtesies,

Strangers being the best company for the night,

Being in awe of all we've just known,

Bidding adieus until next time,

A snap and it's all back to square one, where it all started,

Dawning into the life we left for a few days,

A smile, a deep breath, back to square one, a new person,

Starting a new life from when we left it last.



Thomas Kadavil Abraham
Poets Unlimited

Is an experiential writer. He dabbles with paint, makes art, designs products and experiences.